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Friday, April 12, 2013

Reviews from February & March 2013 (Continued)



OH WOW !! This music got my day going! Lots of good beats bringing the warmth and energy one needs to get moving . . . I danced around my room as I got chores done and I haven't done that in a long while . . . Loved that guitar in "Conscience" . . . where the instrumental balance (strings and brass) drove me into jazzy memories . . And the drums in "Africa Band" woke me straight up and put a big smile on my face . . . . . . . This music is like a cool breeze that lifts my wings . . . giving me strength to fly even under the burden of weariness . . THANK YOU!


Stefano Giardiniere, "Pictures From Dresden"


With six wonderful, classical styled pieces . . this is a must listen album for those who like the style . . This album is great for a late afternoon's contemplation . . as this listener enjoyed these, somewhat heavy and slightly dark instrumental tunes. I found them to be relaxing and simply enjoyable . . .


Adragante, "Harpe en voie"


Beautiful, dreamy music sung and played in a Celtic style . . but soft and sweetly French . . . I was intrigued and calmed . . this was truly lovely music and I listened to it through out my afternoon's relaxing activities.


Van Syla, "Before Darkness Falls"


So much living to do. . . I build my garden in the sunlight . . . where every shadow falls . . . and every sunbeam glances . . . I harvest what I have sown . . before the darkness falls . . I must fill my days with the joy of life . .. with the bright shine of an ephemeral sun and the glow of love before the darkness falls . . . I must walk my pathway with awareness . . for every moment comes and touches me with it's sparks of living . . . joy and grief . . love and hate . . I must experience it all . . before the darkness falls . . . I must fly with the wings of the eagle or crawl in the earth with the worm . . . I must run with abandon. . . or walk quietly with introspection . . . I must find my peace . . . my place in eternity . . before darkness falls . . .


Truman, "Ambient Tao"


I would walk into the room, where I was playing this music and just go, "AHHHHH!" . . . when we live a life of stress and tension . .. sorrow and grief, we must find the fresh breath of hopeful dreams and peaceful ambiences . . this music provides a quiet place to meditate or breath . . to pray and dream . . Very lovely, light music .. . often spacey and twinkling . .. like a thousand million stars in your night sky . . . flowing meadows and sheltering forests in your stormy times . . take a break and listen.

AND another one by Truman (I love his music!)


Like floating in the warm sea; gazing into the crystal blue; dreaming the dreams that carry you away . . . into places of harmony and sympathy . . . this music is lovely and soothing with watercolor visions . . . flight and relaxation.


O.Z.O.N., "Flood"


A steady flow of uplifting, melodic, inspiring music; some were a little sentimental in tone but overall . . . I found myself energized and happy, as I listened!


Silent Owl, "Pure"


I was Immediately captivated . . These sounds were lovely and energizing . . with a sweet flow and delicate flights of beauty . . . a very appealing album, overall . . every song flowed into the next with a coolness that was almost seamless . . . I am looking forward to more from this artist .

I also loved the name of this new artist, from Russia (Sergey Eybog), "Silent Owl" which is very appealing .. .. and evokes thoughts of the owl of the night, silently flying through the darkness.


Le Fol, "Yggdrasil"


Dark and moving, like drops of water in a deep forest . . the heartbeat of the earth, quiet yet passionate . . . arms reach out for the life-giving light and the hope of the forest sparkles in flight as the birds sing and soar . . . and small exotic creatures vocalize in wonder . . . ("Nature's Tales" was quite stunning) . . . the instrumentation and the amazing electronic voices gave drama and emotion to these pieces, like an opera or play this album had strong visualizing appeal . .


Two or Three more albums of interest to me:

RichardPJohn, "Echoes (Selections)"


I was so moved by this sentimental, romantic piano . . . This musician has honeyed fingers . . . flowing like water across the magical keys . . . so dreamy and beautiful I just hungered for more.

yansima, "ZAMAN"


Enjoyable sounds . . .using instruments from the bell-like to the didgeridoo . . . they impart a feeling of subliminal bliss and though these pieces are un-melodic they set a mood of calm and peace . . . Very nice music share, thank you!

CJ Shaman, "New World"


I floated, adrift . . . beneath a brilliant moon . . . a cloud or two like torn remnants of dreams and I dreamed as this extraordinary music moved me along . . . a touch of drama and sentiment as new worlds arise and futures are unveiled . . . an impetus and motivation to a story as yet untold 


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