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Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Warm Side of the Planet

Youssouf Karembe, "Girissagou 2013"

Feels good . . . feels as if all right with my world . . . These gentle, warm, rhythmic pieces are so enchanting and moving as to need several listens . . . first, to sit in awe at the beauty . . second to dance . . . third to embrace .  .  .

I can find a place in my heart
away from the bewildering pain . . .
where warm sunsets are painted
and the sleepy birds
fly to my arm . . 
I can find that way through the clouds . . .
as the honeyed drip of setting sunlight
betrays the gray . . .
and the breeze clears the tears
from my eyes . . .
I can find my spirit to dance . . .
with the lilt of the singer . . 
and the music fills my bones
giving the sense of peaceful energy . .

More by Youssouf Karembe:



Review for "Toguna":

OK!! Love-love-love this . . . I love African music and here we have a shining star . . . And also so much to read about him and his group . . . so I was curious and checked out information regarding his motherland . . . I appreciate, very much, the informative shares he gave about himself and his group . . . it makes me feel more connected, more invested in the group. . . I am a new fan! It would be nice though, if the lyrics were explained so that we understand what the songs are about . . Love? Revenge? War? . . . The music is warm and energizing . . . the overall sound is beautiful and intriguing . . . "ambadji" gave me a sweet heartache . . like listening to something that resonates with my soul . . . something sentimental, maybe plaintive . . I could hear the heart beat of the musicians . . the soul of the singer . . so beautiful!


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