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Friday, June 27, 2014

Summer is Here . . . or the Lost Tracks . . .

Sorry . . . I lost this posting and just now found it . . .

Shall we vacation someplace new? Somewhere exotic or familiar? Perhaps we should take a trip into the unknown?  I would love to fly to the stars and discover new worlds . . . to touch the dreams of the angels . . . 

Truman has given us a delightful little piano piece . . . the music beckons, and flirts . .. 
flitting in and out like a dream . . .  
the angels like fairies
touch each flower petal
with tenderness .. . and as they blush,
to draw the slender winged figures near,
the glint of sunlight on their backs
opens a vision into the heavens . ..  


I love Ostenvegr's space travels .. .. with lots of speed, drama, dream . . .
we flow with the Universe . . . from our birthplace and on into the unknown . . . 
anything is possible . . . our visions are true .. .. 
the stars are many hued . . . and dance to the time of the gods . .. 
and we fly between the galaxies . .  through endless clouds of stardust . . .
The beat guides us . . . and in the distance a trumpet calls our name.


Walter is consistant at making great, unique, interesting music with a strong jazzy bent.  I love his sounds and always look forward to hearing the latest creation.  The music is like taking a long walk with a friend, having a nice chat, and feeling loved over a sweetly hot cup of tea.


Puts a smile on my face as it gallops with my heartbeat . .  uplifting and quirky I'm feeling the adventure of chasing after unidentified flying objects . . . or dreamy and moving . . . all flows together like a tale told on a black velvet night as the stars dance in delight . . .


Love this Lusproject album . . . Especially the "Voices" track which spoke to me subliminally
of peace, and joy and ever ready wings . . .  this music takes me out above the heavy burdens of
the day. With twenty tracks there is bound to be one that strikes your soul . . . Beautiful!


Sadly, this album is altogether too short. I found myself entirely mesmerized by the ambient, minimalistic music . ..  quite beautiful and otherworldly.


Spectacular . . . an ethnic, eastern flavor . . . deeply exotic and relaxing.


Dramatic, improvisational piano . . . emotional, from dreamy and weepy to upbeat and joyful . . . find your mood in the music here . . twenty tracks.  These are quite good!


Deliciously smooth and cool with a strong measure of chill and jazz. These nine tracks of delightfully, thoughtful music, go perfect with a dinner for two, giving your evening a relaxed, peaceful timelessness . . . 


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